Goal 3/3 completed (300lb bench)
Final goal for the year completed. 300lb bench.
So today was week 3 day 2 of smolov and normally I wouldn't have mentioned anything about this workout (385x7 for 5 sets on squats and 240x5 for 7 sets on bench), but I was feeling pretty strong and decided to try some singles at the end of my bench sets (done after squats). 275 and 295 both went up fast so I figured I'd try for 300. It was slow, but I got it! Can't wait to see what I can do when Smolov is over and I'm fresh.
Anyway, I have officially reached all three of my goals for the year and it feels great. Also, I got an email letting me know I am fully funded for graduate school! I'll be back with more content when I test my maxes for my final blog post. It's almost over, damn.
Video of 300 below.
Anyway, I have officially reached all three of my goals for the year and it feels great. Also, I got an email letting me know I am fully funded for graduate school! I'll be back with more content when I test my maxes for my final blog post. It's almost over, damn.
Video of 300 below.
1 more week left...
So there is a meet at the end of March and I thought I'd run a cycle of smolov squats and smolov jr. for bench to peak for it. Unfortunately, my right lat is pretty hurt so I dunno if I'll make it through and be ready in time. We'll see... Be back with some updates/vids soon.
Squats. Week 2 Cycle 11.
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That double chin progress. |
After the working sets I did some paused squats -- these are much improved over last time since I'm getting a bit braver and holding 405 at the bottom for longer. I tried 425, did a slight pause, and came up pretty slowly so I dropped it down to 405 again for the final sets. I ended with a front squat pyramid: 225x3, 275x3, 295x1, 225x5x3. The end.
Week 2 Progress over last 11 cycles:
Goals for today:
Video below:
Overhead Press. Week 1 Cycle 3 | Deadlifts Week 1 Cycle 11
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Meeting Wendler at the Arnold's. He's so dreamy. And, Jesus, I'm bald. |
This past weekend was the Arnold's in Ohio. I went to visit friends from the internets and to see Matt (shortkid) compete in the RAW USAPL meet which took place the morning of the expo. While wandering a round I saw Jim Wendler standing there looking a bit lost. He was super friendly and I wish I had spoken to him more, but I'm socially retarded.
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For assistace work I did the 160lbs OHP for 5 sets of 5 reps and supersetted them with weighted chins at +90lbs. I ended with some curls and shrugs as well.
Week 1 progress on the OHP thus far:
Cycle 1: 160x7 (bounced)
Cycle 2: 165x7 (bounced)
Goals for today:
I also did deadlifts while out of town, but because the gym had octagon plates only, I just hit prescribed reps and some submax singles with deficit work thrown in.
405x3x5 deficit, double overhand.
405x3x5 deficit, double overhand.
Video of workout below:
Bench. Week 1 Cycle 10.
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So sloppy. |
For assistance work I did the dumbbell bench pyramid: 100x3, 110x3, 120x6, 110x3, 100x14 and paused flat bench for 225x5, 225x7, 225x5
Goals for today:
Video below:
Squats. Week 1 Cycle 11.
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10 reps? Please kill me. |
For assistance work I tried paused squats for the first time. I'm hoping these will help me be more explosive out of the hole and more comfortable going to depth with heavier weight. I did 315x1, 365x1, 405x1x3, and 315x5 (this last set made me want to pass out). The ones at 405 were paused, but not for very long, even though I could have sworn I was down there for what felt like an eternity. I then ended the workout with some front squats. I did a pyramid with 135x1, 225x1, 275x1, 315x1, 225x2x5 (paused at the bottom on the 225's). This 315 was probably my best heavy front squat in terms of having the bar not falling forward so much on the descent.
Goals for today:
Week 1 progress over the last 11 cycles:
- 310x6 - cycle 1
- 315x7- cycle 2
- 325x10 - cycle 3
- 335x8 - cycle 4
- 340x10 - cycle 5
- 350x10 - cycle 6
- 355x10 - cycle 7
- 365x10 - cycle 8
- 405x8 - cycle 9
- 410x8- cycle 10 (not great depth)
- 385x10 cycle 11 (deloaded)
Video of workout:
Upcoming for cycle 11.
Next cycle I'd like to address the following things:
- I'm deloading squats to try and do 10+ reps in week 1, 8+ reps in week 2 and 6+ reps in week 3 as those were the rep ranges in which I was gaining strength for the first 7 cycles. I'll also be trying to get a bit deeper.
- I'm deloading OHP back to cycle 1 (I've only done two cycles so far) and I'll be doing all reps as dead stop reps w/o leg drive. Doing this will make it easier to gauge progress without leg drive/bounce muddling things.
- I'm going to just keep hitting the prescribed reps on bench while working in some sub max singles and pushing my assistance work. By cycle 12 I should hopefully be able to hit my final goal for the year of a 300lb bench
- As for deadlifts, since I can't fit anything over 500lbs on the bar, I'm going to just keep working with what I've got and try and increase my reps with 500lbs until I move and change gyms.
Overhead Press. Week 3 Cycle 2.
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I'm so handsome. |
For assistance work, I'm sticking with repeating the final working weight and executing it with (more) perfect form for a couple of reps per set. After that I lowered the weight to 135lbs and did 3 sets of 10 (whereas I had been doing 5 sets of 5). I just wanted to see if I could do it. I threw in some weighted chins and shrugs to end the workout.
Goals for today:
Progress on OHP for week 3 has thus far been:
Cycle1: 180x4
Cycle2: 185x5
Video of workout below:
Deadlifts. Week 3 Cycle 10
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Had more in me, but plates started to jump ship. Bringing tape next time. |
After the final working set I did more deficit pulls with the hook grip, this time going up to 500lbs. I then did some front squats supersetted with the abwheel to work my core. I'm ordering some straps so that in the future I can work in some rack pulls as well since my lockout is clearly a weak point.
Goals for today:
500x4 (set cut short due to equipment malfunction)
Week 3 Progress over last 10 cycles:
Cycle 1 Versus Cycle 10, first pulls of final set:
Video of workout:
Bench. Week 3 Cycle 9
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Snappin' shit up with the 120's. Up +3 reps since beginning DB bench work. |
Goals for today:
290x1 (lifetime pr)
Assistance work:
- Dumbbell pyramid: 100x3, 110x3, 120x6, 110x3, 100x13 (bolded sets are the ones I push)
- Paused barbell bench: 3 sets of 5 reps @ 225
Video of workout below:
Squats. Week 3 Cycle 10
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Depth wasn't that great. Lady in the background was not impressed. |
Goals for today:
Assistance work:
- 6 sets of paused front squats @ 225x2, with one @ 315. Supersetted with...
- 6 sets of weighted chins with +90lbs @ 3-4 reps per set.
Week 3 squats over last 10 cycles:
cycle 1: 345x4
cycle 2: 355x5
cycle 3: 365x6
cycle 4: 370x6
cycle 5: 380x7
cycle6: 390x6
cycle7: 400x7
cycle8: Smolov & new max #'s
cycle 2: 355x5
cycle 3: 365x6
cycle 4: 370x6
cycle 5: 380x7
cycle6: 390x6
cycle7: 400x7
cycle8: Smolov & new max #'s
Video of workout:
Overhead Press. Week 2 Cycle 2
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I realize I'm like Oprah: always on the cover. |
Goals for today:
Video of final set:
Deadlifts. Week 2 Cycle 10
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Tried some new assistance work: double over hand deficit deadlifts. |
Today called for 465x3, but because of the size of the plates I dont think that combination would have fit on the bar along with the collars, so I upped the weight to 475lbs. I'm also thinking ahead to next week where I'd like to pull 500 for reps -- I'm thinking the heavier weight this week might better prepare me. Anyway, last cycle I pulled 475x6, so I wanted 7 reps today to best that workout. I got the 7, but I think I had some unintentional bounce on reps 3 and 4 (although, watching the vid in slow-mow, it does come to a stop), so it's a bit difficult to compare the two workouts, which is frustrating. What I can say for sure, though, when comparing the two videos, 475 moved much faster for those initial reps than they did last cycle...so I got that goin' for me.
Afterwards I felt like trying something new, so I did some deficit deadlifts with a hooked grip. I've not tried either deficits or hook grip before, but I liked them. Hopefully these will help me be more explosive off the ground (and to carry that momentum through to help me with my crappy lockout).
Goals for today:
Week 2 progress over the last 10 cycles, now with links to previous workouts:
Cycle 1 Week 2: 375x11
Cycle 2 Week 2: 385x11
Cycle 3 Week 2: 395x12
Cycle 4 Week 2: 400x13
Cycle 5 Week 2: 410x13
Cycle 6 Week 2: 415x13
Cycle 7 Week 2: 425x13
Cycle 8: NA
Cycle 9: Week 2: 455x7 (dead stop from here on out)
Cycle 10: Week 2: 475x7
Video of final set plus deficit deadlifts:
Bench. Week 2 Cycle 9.
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Hi. |
Yeah, I front squatted today. After yesterday's terrible sessions I felt like I needed to go in today and turn things around. I got some good rest, ate some good food and felt great going in to the gym this morning. As normal, I started by just hitting the prescribed reps for bench and doing some easy heavier singles. For assistance work I felt especially strong and upped my reps doing: 100x3, 110x3, 120x5, 110x3, 100x11 for dumbbell bench. I then decided I'd try some front squats since I failed to even move 315 yesterday, which up until then had always been fairly easy. Once I got 315 I figured I'd put the cherry on top and do 320lbs, a PR. Afterwards I played with my grip on flat bench and made some adjustments (narrower grip, feet flat raised up on some plates) that I think will be helping me in the future.
Also, seeing as I felt so good today, I'll see how next week goes and see if I actually need to deload on squats.
Goals for today:
260x3 (this weight used to be my max. easy.)
260x3 (260x1 used to be my all-time max and back in week 1 cycle 1 I only managed 220x2. Progress.)
275x1 (submax single)
280x1 (submax single)
Video of front squat below:
Squats. Week 2 Cycle 10.
Well, I was hoping I would make it the entire year without having to deload squats, but today's workout decided otherwise. After my second working set I knew I'd have trouble since the reps were moving really slowly. Anyway, last cycle I did 425x6 and today 430x6 was the original goal. After warmups I decided to do only the prescribed reps, but even after completing those three reps I dont think I had anything else left in me. Time to put the ego aside and lower the weights. I was tired of lifting those heavy-ass weights anyway (Ronnie would be so disappointed). Also, I could make lots of excuses for my performance today, but you can always make those. And I felt like today was more than just an off-day since I have been riding the ragged edge of what I can output on squats for a while now. My assistance work was also really difficult, which is always a bad sign, too. I'll finish out this cycle and start my deload for cycle 11. I'm going to drop back to 365lbs for week 1 and try to beat the 10 reps I did back in cycle 8. Rawr. On another note, I'm going to see if I can keep my deadlifts going until the end of the 12th cycle, I'd really like to rep out 500lbs before I have to deload.
Goals for today:
385x3 (I knew there was trouble at this point)
430x2 (I planned on doing a few sets to see if I could repeat the triple. Nope.)
Asssistance work: A bunch of failed front squats. Somebody hold me.
Video of final set:
Cycle 1: 330x4
Cycle 2: 335x5
Cycle 3: 345x7
Cycle 4: 350x8
Cycle 5: 360x8
Cycle 6: 370x8
Cycle 7: 375x8
Cycle8: N/A (smolov)
Cycle9: 425x6
Cycle 10: 430x3 (time to deload)
Goals for today:
385x3 (I knew there was trouble at this point)
430x2 (I planned on doing a few sets to see if I could repeat the triple. Nope.)
Asssistance work: A bunch of failed front squats. Somebody hold me.
Video of final set:
Progress over the last 10 cycles in week 2 (I've now linked videos to each lift):
Week 1 Cycle 2 | Overhead Press

Goals for today:
After the final working set, I did 3 more sets at 165lbs for 3 reps each set, each rep paused at the bottom. Following this I did 5 sets of 135lbs for 5 reps, again with each rep paused at the bottom. These were supersetted with weighted chins (+95lbs for 3 reps each set).
I blew it on recording today (camera fell over), so I decided I'd just do something different and post a progress picture. Here is my back from when I started way back in cycle 1, 10 months ago, compared to my back now. The second picture lacks the muscle-defining overhead lighting, but I think you can still see a difference.
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Squat in cycle 1: 310x6. Squat in Cycle 10: 410x8
Video of assitance set below:
Deadlifts. Week 1 Cycle 10 | Bench 1 week cycle 9

Today was ridiculous. I should have stayed home and just soaked in a bubble bath all day. Yesterday my legs and back were still sore to the touch, so I don't know why I thought I'd be ready to lift today. Anyway, I got to the gym and went nuts on some deadlifts. After warming up with the bar and 135 my back clamped up. I should have gone home at that point, but I'm dumb; instead I just lied down between sets and stretched until I was loose enough to get into position to start the deadlift. Today's final set called for 435lbs. Last time in week 1, I just hit prescribed reps at 425. But since I got 475 x 6 last cycle, I knew that I should be able to get at least ten today (1 rep for every 10lbs taken off the bar), and so I wanted 11 in order to show improvement over last cycle. I really had to fight for it, and I've never struggled for a lockout like I did on that 11th rep.
Acessory work: 4 sets of 3 reps of weighted chins(+95lbs). Entire body fried. Just went home after this.
Nothing to report on bench: just did prescribed reps with final set at 245x5. Easy.
Goals for today:
Improvement in week 1 over last ten cycles:
- Cycle 1: 355x13
- Cycle 2: 365x12
- Cycle 3 :370x14
- Cycle 4: 380x15
- Cycle 5: 385x15
- Cycle 6: 395x15
- Cycle 7: 400x17
- Cycle 8: 405x15 (out of town)
- Cycle 9: 425x5 (just hitting prescribed reps) (also change in form to deadstop all previous weeks were touch-and-go)
- Cycle 10: 435 x 11
Video of final set below
Squats. Week 1 Cycle 10.
Okay, first day back after taking a full week off from lifting. Unfortunately, being out of town messed with my sleep and diet, so this wasn't exactly the best deload week; I came back pretty tired from my morning flight and was also about 4 lbs underweight.
Anyway, I was happy to be back in the gym. I added 5lbs to my working weights over the last cycle, which put me at 410lbs for my final set today. Last cycle in week1 I managed 405 x8. No rocket science here, I wanted 8 reps again today. However, I felt like absolute doodoo, and I considered just hitting the prescribed reps, but when I got to 5, I figured I'd keep going. I should mention that today was the first time I've tried a preworkout stim (jacked3d). I normally don't even drink caffeine. This made me feel so light headed and nauseus I really almost passed out a couple times, making the valsalva maneuver pretty impossible. I'll keep trying it for a bit and see if I can get used to it, since I hear such good things.
Also, I put my camera backwards like a moron and filmed the ground, so I don't know if my reps were high or legit (they did feel high). Okay, enough crying. It's good to be back.
In other news, I was accepted into graduate school. Go me.
Goals for today:
365x5 (I was all up on my toes and shit, real ugly warm ups)
Week 1 Progress over the last 10 cycles:
Anyway, I was happy to be back in the gym. I added 5lbs to my working weights over the last cycle, which put me at 410lbs for my final set today. Last cycle in week1 I managed 405 x8. No rocket science here, I wanted 8 reps again today. However, I felt like absolute doodoo, and I considered just hitting the prescribed reps, but when I got to 5, I figured I'd keep going. I should mention that today was the first time I've tried a preworkout stim (jacked3d). I normally don't even drink caffeine. This made me feel so light headed and nauseus I really almost passed out a couple times, making the valsalva maneuver pretty impossible. I'll keep trying it for a bit and see if I can get used to it, since I hear such good things.
Also, I put my camera backwards like a moron and filmed the ground, so I don't know if my reps were high or legit (they did feel high). Okay, enough crying. It's good to be back.
In other news, I was accepted into graduate school. Go me.
Goals for today:
365x5 (I was all up on my toes and shit, real ugly warm ups)
Week 1 Progress over the last 10 cycles:
- 310x6 - cycle 1
- 315x7- cycle 2
- 325x10 - cycle 3
- 335x8 - cycle 4
- 340x10 - cycle 5
- 350x10 - cycle 6
- 355x10 - cycle 7
- 365x10 - cycle 8
- 405x8 - cycle 9
- 410x8- cycle 10 (100lbs and 2reps added since cycle 1. whatwhat)
Assistance work:
Did about 12 sets of bodyweight chins for5-10 reps. Just greasing the groove. These were done between front s quat doubles at 275lbs (5 sets).
Since I messed up filming, here was a 410lb 'paused' squat after my final working set:
Over Head Press. Week 3 Cycle 1.
Today's excellent workout marks the end of cycle 9 (and cycle 1 for OHP). I'm looking forward to the perfectly timed deload week as I'm headed to New Orleans until next Sunday. Anyway, today's final set called for a weight of 180lbs. In week one I did 160x7, week 2 170x5 and so today, in week 3, I was expected to get 180x3 (as I've mentioned before, for every 5lbs added to the bar I can safely subtract 1 rep for pressing movements). Anyway, I surprised myself with four reps. After that final set I did four sets of singles, keeping the weight the same at 180lbs. My shoulder endurance is weak, but the power is still there after only resting a minute. So I guess I'm just making sure I'm getting enough work in at that final working weight.
For assistance work I did 7 sets of 135x5 OHP. All the reps were paused (video below). I supersetted these with weighted chins (3 reps @+90lbs).
Goals for today:
Video of final set and assistance set below:
For assistance work I did 7 sets of 135x5 OHP. All the reps were paused (video below). I supersetted these with weighted chins (3 reps @+90lbs).
Goals for today:
Video of final set and assistance set below:
Deadlifts. Week 3 Cycle 9.
Good deadlift session today. This cycle has been the first that I've done dead-stop deadlifts starting with 425x5 (just hitting prescribed reps) in week 1, 455x7 in week 2, and today with 475x6, which went better than the 5 reps I expected to get, with a couple in the tank -- I need to get used to the fact that I can allow myself to take a few seconds, reset my grip and catch my breath with the deadstops. It's also fun to think that the impetus for getting on a program and starting 5/3/1 was because I was demoralized when I failed to budge a 460lb deadlift during one of my many misguided training sessions.
Progress for week 3 deadlifts over last 9 cycles:
Goals for today:
Assistance work:
I did a pyramid of front squats: 135x1, 185x1, 225x1, 275x1, 315x1, 275x1, 225x3, 225x3 all supersetted with weighted chinups with 90lbs of weight added.
Video of final set below:
Progress for week 3 deadlifts over last 9 cycles:
- Cycle 1: 400x7
- Cycle 2: 405x10
- Cycle 3: 415x10
- Cycle 4: 425x10
- Cycle 5: 430x11
- Cycle 6: 440x10
- Cycle 7: 455x10 (this and all previous sets were touch-n-go)
- Cycle 8: Smolov squats
- Cycle9: 475x6 (deadstop)
Goals for today:
Assistance work:
I did a pyramid of front squats: 135x1, 185x1, 225x1, 275x1, 315x1, 275x1, 225x3, 225x3 all supersetted with weighted chinups with 90lbs of weight added.
Video of final set below:
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