
Deadlifts. Week 1 Cycle 9

So my body keeps telling me to take a few days off, especially since I sit around all day in the library which just makes the soreness worse. But boredom > soreness, so I went to the gym this morning.  I decided to ease back into some deadlifts since it's been almost two months since I've done any.

By 'ease back' I mean I just hit the prescribed reps, since, like I keep complaining about,  my back is a hot mess. I wanted to test some submaximal singles as well -- I was going to go up to the low/mid 500's but then I realized the ridiculously thick plates at my gym only allow for five plates to be put on the bar (the fives, tens, 25's are nearly just as thick as the 45's). Overall, things went very well and I'm looking forward to going all out on my sets in the coming weeks. I may need to increase my working weights as well, since Smolov seems to have added significant strength to my deads (my deadlift tends to be about 100lbs more than my squat).

You'll notice a change in my form, too. I've gone from stop-and-go to dead stop, mainly for the fact that it should help my power off the floor. Also, being able to reset my grip between each rep makes them easier in that respect. 

In other news, I'm weighing in at a leaner 177lbs.

Goals for today:




Assistance work (I wanted to do more, but had to leave the gym early)

Front squats:

135 lb x 5 reps
225 lb x 3 reps
295 lb x 1 reps
295 lb x 1 reps
315 lb x 1 reps
225 lb x 3 reps

Week 1 Progress over last 9 cycles:

  • Cycle 1: 355x13
  • Cycle 2: 365x12
  • Cycle 3 :370x14
  • Cycle 4: 380x15
  • Cycle 5: 385x15
  • Cycle 6: 395x15 
  • Cycle 7: 400x17
  • Cycle 8: 405x15 (out of town)
  • Cycle 9: 425x5 (just hitting prescribed reps) (also change in form)

Video of final sets below:


  1. awesome lifting! Do you have any competitions on the schedule?

  2. Hey Craig! I am thinking in May I'll be ready. When's your comp?

  3. I've got one on Feb 12 and another on May 12. Lifting in the 100kg class in Feb and hopefully the 93 kg class in May. Main goals for now are dropping bodyfat while retaining as much strength as possible.
